Amazon is a platform where millions of sellers are generating huge sales. For some people, it is the only source of income. It is imperative to have an online presence in today’s world. However, many people have got their Amazon account suspended. This article will discuss the three account suspensions you must know about. We will also discuss what you can do to send an amazon suspension appeal. So make sure you stick with us until the end.
What Are The Three Types Of Amazon Account Suspensions?
If you are a third-party seller or have not followed Amazon’s terms and conditions, you must be facing an amazon account suspension. Before coming to any conclusion, let us have a look at the three types of suspensions that may happen:
If you face ‘suspension’, you still have a chance to appeal. You must attempt a good plan if you want your account back.
If your application is ‘denied’, your action plan did not work. However, you do not have to worry because you can still devise another action plan. Make sure to have a better one this time.
If your account is ‘banned’, you are no longer part of the amazon seller’s community. In this case, amazon will not reply to emails, and you will not get your seller account back. It is better to follow the guidelines and create a new account.
How To Create A Productive Plan Of Action For Amazon Suspension Appeal
Now that your amazon seller account is suspended, we are here to guide you. If you want to perform a good plan of action, you can follow these simple tips to impress Amazon:
Stay Professional And Polite
The main thing that you have to focus on is professionalism. The more polite and professional you are, the better. Do not use slang or short forms. Just imagine that you are writing business mail.
Use Bullet, Not Huge Paragraphs
If you genuinely want your amazon suspension appeal to be taken into account by Amazon, you must make it easy to read. The primary step of writing a readable appeal is using bullet points. Refrain from writing long paragraphs. When writing a paragraph, divide it into parts for easy readability.
Write A Short And Precise Introduction
A good introduction is the backbone of any written document. The reader will know what you will talk about right in the beginning. Remember, the first step is being polite and professional. The introduction should be like a summary of the whole written piece.
Remember The Terms
The central part is following amazon’s terms and conditions. The reason behind the account suspension is a violation of its terms. Make sure to write the mail using logic and not emotions.
In A Nutshell
So now you know if your account can be recoverable or not. If it can recover, you must follow these essential tips to write a good action plan. You will likely get your account back if your appeal is legitimate and logical.